Welcome to my personal website.

Where I share with you things I love, like my favorite purchases, organizations I support, and community events.

First of all

Lifestyle & Wellness Blog

Salt-N-Pepa said it best. Let's talk about you and me, let's talk about all the good things and the things that may be... Don't be coy, avoid, or make void the topic... Let's tell it how it is.

While not on exactly the same topic, the sentiment runs true. I will blog about general lifestyle and wellness as well as the more taboo topics, which thankfully have steadily become more acceptable, like menstrual products and mental health.

Not to mention


Explore my work and discover my creative projects in long-lost writing and amateur phone photography.

Coming soon.

And let's not forget

Things I love

From Amazon finds and favorite brands to community resources, non-profits I support, and organizations you should know about.

About Kristyne

Kristyne is a lifestyle and wellness enthusiast based in South Carolina. With a passion for wellness, community events, and creating self-happiness. Kristyne shares her journey through her personal website, blog, and portfolio (coming soon). Shop her favorite products and discover her creative work on this website.

Thank you for visiting my website, stay updated with my latest adventures and news.

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